The Post Bulletin reports that Rochester is home to Barack Obama's biggest supporter. Igor Vovkovinskiy is 7 feet, 8 inches tall.
In a letter to the editor, former state representative Ruth Johnson writes Walz energy plan offers common sense:
In response to huge energy cost increases and critical environmental concerns, Congressman Tim Walz has introduced a new, bipartisan energy bill, the “National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act.”
Moderate Democrats and Republicans in Congress crafted this agreement to offer short-term and long-term solutions to the energy crisis in a responsible manner.
The bill expands responsible offshore drilling and with the taxes and royalties on new drilling invests around $1 trillion over the next decade in renewable and alternative energy research and conservation.
These are common sense solutions we expect from our national leaders. Let’s keep Walz in Washington working with both Republicans and Democrats to solve the challenges facing our country.
And as we learned this summer with gas prices, we can all do our part right now to bring down energy costs by practicing common sense energy conservation ourselves.
Moderate Democrats and Republicans in Congress crafted this agreement to offer short-term and long-term solutions to the energy crisis in a responsible manner.
The bill expands responsible offshore drilling and with the taxes and royalties on new drilling invests around $1 trillion over the next decade in renewable and alternative energy research and conservation.
These are common sense solutions we expect from our national leaders. Let’s keep Walz in Washington working with both Republicans and Democrats to solve the challenges facing our country.
And as we learned this summer with gas prices, we can all do our part right now to bring down energy costs by practicing common sense energy conservation ourselves.
A thoughtful column about energy policy and complexity from Spring Valley Tribune published David Phillips, We may favor image now, but issues aren't going away, concludes:
That we don't get any real leadership on energy and other issues is our own fault. We seem to care most about identifying with a team that includes a former prisoner of war and a hockey mom or a team that includes a former community organizer and a blue collar scrapper. It's much easier than forming an opinion on a policy that has a vision for our energy future that will last longer than our next tank full of gas.
Down the road in another several years, we may be comfortable in being able to identify with our candidate in the White House, as so many were with President Bush, but wonder why we're still addicted to a fossil fuel that costs even more than it does today with the majority of the supply still coming from foreign countries that are often at odds with the American way of life.
Congressman Walz will speak at a Green Jobs Town Hall meeting at 10 a.m. today at the 49ers (Operating Engineers) Hall, 308 Lundin Blvd.
According to the national Blue Green Alliance's web site, Minnesota's local alliance consists of:
. . .more than 30 groups, including Sierra Club North Star Chapter, Steelworkers District 11, MN State AFL-CIO, Clean Water Action, Apollo Alliance, AFSCME Council 6, SEIU Minnesota State Council, Teamsters Joint Council 32, Minnesota Building Trades, Environment 2004, Fresh Energy, Izaac Walton League of America Midwest Office, Institute for a Sustainable Future, and the League of Rural Voters.
The Chatfield News reports that 2007 local high school grad Hannah Mesick enjoys behind-the-scenes look at Democratic convention. She is a sophomore at UW-Eau Claire.
In Turk O'Day: Sept. 13, 2008, the Globe notes that Congressman Walz and Brian Davis will speak at 1 p.m in Worthington. BSP reviewed the attractions in King Turkey Day: Walz and Davis emcee in Worthington Saturday.