One of the issues Brian Davis's supporters among the Republican county chairs in the district are touting in a form letter sent to district newpapers is their candidate's support for the Second Amendment. Stressing this particular item is puzzling, since all three candidates say they're pro gun rights. Two of them have public records on the issue.
Congressman Walz, for instance, received an "A" on his 2006 NRA-ILA questionnaire; he did not receive the group's endorsement that year, since the group supports incumbents with good track records, which Gil Gutknecht enjoyed.
What is Walz's record now? Not much of a roll call record has been created on Second Amendment issues since Walz took office, but the National Rifle Association of America Political Victory Fund has been confident enough about Walz's positions to contribute three $1000 checks during the cycle, in January 2007, in June 2007, and in May 2007. It also suggested that members support him in its July Election Preview 2008.
Perhaps some of that financial backing comes from Congressman Walz's decision to sign on to a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the position that the right to bear arms is an individual right in District of Columbia v. Heller; the Strib reported about the brief in Controversial gun law is now a target. In late June, the Supremes [Struck] Down D.C. Handgun Ban,
Walz is also a hunter and member of Pheasants Forever.
Likewise, Senator Day has always been endorsed by the NRA in his state-level races, if we are to trust a Politics in Minnesota Weekly Report from last year.
Voters will have to take Davis's word for his support for gun rights, as there isn't any public track record.