In Veterans Mental Health bill passes, the Austin Post Bulletin's Karen Colbenson reports:
A veterans health care legislative package authored by U.S. Rep. Tim Walz passed Wednesday, one month after he announced the bill at the Mower County Courthouse in Austin.
Walz lauded the final passage of the Veterans' Mental Health and Other Care Improvements Act of 2008, which includes two provisions: increasing the mileage rate for veterans who travel to receive care at Veterans Administration clinics, and the Veterans Pain Care Act of 2008, also authored by Walz. . . .
The article concludes:
During his first year in Congress, Walz has pushed for additional support for veterans, including the largest funding increase for the Veterans Administration in its 77-year history.
In February, Walz announced a significant increase in mileage rates for more than 1 million veterans traveling to VA medical facilities. Through the appropriations act, the reimbursement rate increased from 11 cents per mile to 28.5 cents per mile.
Read the whole thing at the Austin edition of the Post Bulletin.