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September 29, 2008


If this vote were to take place after the November's elections, I have to think the outcome would be different.
Kline voted for it ... but how many other "at risk" seats joined him ... John Hall D-NY, Michael Acuri D-NY ... which may have more to do with the New York / Wall Street business interests than anything else.
But opposing it included a lot of Freshman legislators and at-risk seats.... Altmire, Bachmann, Boyda, Capito, Childers, Gillibrand, Lampson, Tim Murphy, Schmidt, Shea-Porter, Walberg, Walz, Yarmuth and Don Young.
Some may have done it based on idealogy (Bachmann, Schimdt, Walberg, Young were not a surprise) but all the Dems suggests that they heard footsteps.

I blame the President for not being able to explain it to the people why this needed to be done. This version is much better than the orginal proposal ... and I don't know how significantly they can change it ... they will probably tweak it to twist the arms of the Dems and possibly some of the retiring Republicans on the next vote.

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