Another press release from the Walz campaign:
Winona Citizens Oppose Dr. Brian Davis’ Plan to Gamble Social Security on the Stock Market
( Winona , Minn. ) – In light of recent turmoil in the U.S. stock market, a group of Winona citizens held a press conference today to oppose 1st District Congressional candidate Dr. Brian Davis’ plans to gamble Social Security on the stock market.
“When I retire in a few years, Social Security will be my only source of income,” said Valerie Clarke, a single mother. “I don’t want Social Security gambled away on the stock market. Dr. Brian Davis’ plan to privatize Social Security is wrong for southern Minnesotans like me.”
Dr. Davis has routinely expressed support for some privatization of Social Security and has pledged to follow the MN Republican Party platform, which promotes privatization of Social Security.
“In this economy, we can’t afford Dr. Brian Davis’ plan to gamble away Social Security on the stock market,” said Lisa Maloney, a college student. “My generation is paying in to Social Security; we need to make sure it’s there for us when we retire. Dr. Davis’ plan to privatize Social Security will hurt young people like me.”
“Everyday, hardworking Americans rely on Social Security to make ends meet and build a future,” said Eric Bartleson, a retired school superintendent from southeastern Minnesota. “Dr. Davis’ willingness to gamble that away shows that he is the wrong person for southern Minnesota . We need Tim Walz in Congress because he will oppose any attempt to privatize Social Security.”
Davis Said He Supported The Privatization Of Social Security. Davis said, “I do believe that people below a certain age should have the option to invest some of their Social Security in the private market.” [Winona Youth GOP Debate, 2/23/08, full transcription available on request]
Davis Said If You Want to Know Where He Stood on an Issue to Look at the Republican Party Platform. Davis said, “I want to reassure you that I’m a conservative platform Republican. I will cast those votes and I will advocate on behalf of our causes. I think our Republican Party platform in this state is great. Do you want to know where I stand; you can start with that document.” [Fillmore Co GOP Convention, full transcription available on request]
Republican Party Platform of MN (
Republican Party Platform Section 1, Letter P (Page 2): Allowing all Americans to invest some or all of their Social Security payments, continuing to fulfill our obligations to older Americans, and prohibiting Congress from using Social Security funds for any other purpose.
Volunteer here and contribute (before September 30 if you can) to Congressman Walz's campaign. Contributions will help Walz continue to protect Americans' retirement security, survivor benefits and disability compensation.