Update: Blueman reports a truly sick instance of vandalism to an Obama sign. [end update].
In A sign of the times, the Worthington Globe reports:
Every election year, people particularly involved in politics post signs in their yard declaring their support for a candidate or a political party. And every year, mischief makers pull the signs out to put in other yards, vandalize or destroy.
According to Worthington Police Captain Chris Dybevick, the culprits are generally juveniles doing random acts of sign heisting, and most people don’t bother to report the loss.
But this year, the Nobles County DFL Party has noticed a disturbing trend that Deb Hogenson, secretary of the Nobles County DFL, said is depriving them of their right to express political views.
The DFL group believes there is a small group of people targeting the Barack Obama signs — travelling with a clipper to cut zip ties and gathering up Obama signs from all over Worthington.
In a prepared statement, Nobles County DFL Chair Doug Bauman said the theft of the signs is more than property theft — it robs them of their freedom of speech.
“A group of people in our community want to suppress any show of support for Senator Obama in Worthington,” he said. “They want to suppress freedoms guaranteed by our nation’s constitution.” . . .
Read the rest at the Globe. Our friend Dale at Corner House Comments emailed us about this disturbing trend earlier this week, noting that only Obama signs have been swiped, while Franken, Walz, and the MN House candidates' placards stay put.
Last night, KEYC-TV noted Stealing Campaign Signs Carries a Penalty. Obama signs seem to be a favorite target in the Key City too:
As the election heads down the home stretch, political differences may be flaring up, even among long-time neighbors. And as News 12's Ryan Gustafson reports, that has caused some lawn signs to turn up missing.
[Mankato Public Safety Commander Debbie] McDermott says, "We've taken a few scattered reports of different political signs being taken in the last couple of weeks." It's not an overwhelming epidemic or anything, but showing support for a political candidate can be a hassle.
Kent Harrison had been hearing about fellow neighbors losing political signs in their yard, until...
Obama supporter Kent Harrison says, "Sure enough, our sign was taken, so I got another one and put it behind the window, so obviously if someone wants to get it they'll have to break the window.Obviously they targeted the Obama sign, because I have 3 other signs in my yard and I still have them.I don't have anything against John McCain, and I think he's a good and decent man, I just want Obama to be President."
That support is shared by his son Conner, who feels the signs are a way for people to express their support. Conner Harrison says, "They kind of keep to themselves, partially because they don't want to spread their wants about the election."
Police remind people that there's a price to pay for stifling someone else's free speech. Commander Debbie McDermott says, "That would fall into a misdemeanor violation which would be punishable by up to 90 days in jail and up to a $1000 fine."
Either way, Harrison keeps this election in perspective.Harrison says, "I think I have a pretty good sense of humor about these things..."
A Nobles County DFL official put it best:
“We ask our fellow citizens across the political spectrum to stand up against the thieves,” Bauman said in his statement. “Help us protect our democracy by reporting any thefts or vandalism to political signs of any kind.”
Photo: Nobles County DFLers display a homegrown Obama sign. Photo accompanied the Worthington Globe story.