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October 18, 2008


Remembering that there were robo-calls on behalf of Gutknecht last election, did you look how much was paid to FLS then. This dollar amount seems relatively small … I wonder if it isn’t for fundraising ? FLS has a call center in the Madison East Shopping Center in Mankato.

BTW, McCain’s people called our home to alert us to “Hollywood” Obama.

Coleman is the one with the problem … he’s calling for all negative ads to stop, yet as Al Franken communications director Andy Barr correctly observes that FLS Connect is owned by influential Republican consultant Jeff Larson. "Norm Coleman's latest political ploy rings more hollow than usual when you consider he has paid the person responsible for smear calls nearly $2 million and Jeff Larson remains the treasurer of Norm Coleman's PAC, a member of his inner circle, and his landlord. Norm Coleman is still paying Jeff Larson for the same services Larson is providing to the RNC and to the McCain campaign. If he's sincere about this, he ought to fire him."

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