About 20 minutes ago, the Star Tribune just broke another late tax payment story about the Republican candidate running against Tim Walz. In Davis paid taxes late on home in Wisconsin,
staff writer Chao Xiong reports:
Brian Davis, the Republican candidate for Congress in Minnesota's First District, paid property taxes on his Wisconsin summer home late in five of the past six years, adding to a record of tardy tax payments on his Rochester home.
Between 2002 and 2007, Davis, a Mayo Clinic physician, was between 18 and 163 days late on property tax payments on the home he owns in Spider Lake, Wis., according to Sawyer County records. He has paid $728.52 in penalties and interest.
The Minnesota DFL Party discovered the infractions.
Davis is challenging incumbent Tim Walz, a Democrat from Mankato.
News about property tax payments for Davis' Rochester home surfaced this summer, showing that he had paid $1,400 in interest and penalties for 10 late payments since 2003.
Davis deferred comment on the Wisconsin taxes to his campaign manager, Mike Spellings.
"He's a busy guy ... " Spellings said. . . .
Minnesota Central has our sympathy, since this means he'll have to figure out property tax deadlines in Wisconsin. The generous blogger recently posted a Public Service Announcement for Congressional Candidates to remind Davis that Minnesota property taxes are due on October 15.
This news calls for a song. Here's a classic from the B-52s.