Project Vote Smart has sent us the following statement about Brian Davis's use of the organization's name using "information he knows to be false" in an attack on Congressman Walz.
We're waiting for a call back from Project Vote Smart as to where the attack occurred, but we're guessing the vehicle for Davis's attack was an ad. We're checking to learn if it was television or radio.
From Project Vote Smart:
Oct. 24, 2008 Adelaide Kimball: 406-859-8683PUBLIC STATEMENT
Brian Davis, Republican candidate for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District, has attacked Timothy Walz, his Democratic/Farmer/Labor opponent, with information he knows to be false, has used Project Vote Smart’s name to give his accusations credibility.
This kind of negative campaign activity is precisely the sort of tactic that the Project attempts to counter with its factual database. By using the Project’s name to give credibility to these attacks, Brian Davis is cheating the public out of their need for trusted, abundant, accurate, factual information.
The Project prohibits the use of its name and programs, including the Political Courage Test, formerly the National Political Awareness Test (NPAT), in partisan political advertising. This policy is posted prominently on Project Vote Smart’s web site and all candidates have been notified of this policy in writing numerous times.
This kind of behavior occurs in less that 00.05 percent of all races nationally. It is our policy to condemn this misuse of Project Vote Smart’s name and reputation and to alert the public to any misuse of our name or programs for negative political activities.
We have to wonder: had Davis ever heard of an "introduction ad" where voters could learn about his strengths? Perhaps attack ads themselves are a good introduction to the sort of leader Davis would be.
Are Republicans incapable of running against Tim Walz without getting on the wrong side of Project Vote Smart? Gutknecht's use of PVS in an attack ad resulted in a similar press release two years ago.
Posted by: mrw | October 24, 2008 at 06:17 PM