In Community Perspective: Disagreeing without being disagreeable, Tim and Marcus civilly disagreeabout their opposing points of view on the top of the ticket. As we've noted before, father and former Congressman Tim Penny supports John McCain, while his son is an Obama man.
They write:
. . .In all, on the presidential race, when we don’t agree, we have managed to disagree without being disagreeable.
That is possible, in part, because we don’t disagree on everything. Our ballots on November 4th might look different at the top, but there are other candidates who will be receiving our undivided support. . . .
Both concur about the House candidate for the district Penny once served:
. . .We also endorse the same candidate for Congress, incumbent Tim Walz. One of us (guess who?) worked as an intern for the Congressman for six months and saw firsthand the idealism, enthusiasm, and energy that Walz brought to the office. Both of us have been impressed with Walz’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and “pay-as-you-go” budget rules. We have watched as he led his fellow freshmen in re-establishing much-needed strict ethics policies for Congress. We applauded his recent efforts to build bi-partisan support for ambitious energy policies that will lead to energy independence for our nation. His record reflects common sense and good judgment. We both believe he has represented southern Minnesota well and deserves a second term.
So, that is the view from our house - just in case you haven’t yet noticed the signs in our yard.
For Senate, both Pennies favor Dean Barkley. Go over and read the whole thing. Great piece about civility. For ourselves, we're voting for Al Franken, but respect our friends who are making other choices.