We haven't seen the KSTP-League of Women Voters debate between Walz and Davis yet, but from the sounds of this press release from the Walz campaign, we will certainly be taking a look at it:
Tim Walz Wins KSTP/League of Women Voters Debate
Walz Fights for Middle-Class
Dr. Davis Opposes New Tax Cuts for Middle Class FamiliesToday, Tim Walz won his second debate of the general election, sponsored by KSTP and the Minnesota League of Women Voters. During the debate, Walz focused on his record of fighting for the middle-class families of southern Minnesota and bringing change to Washington
Walz Campaign Manager Chris Schmitter said, “Today, Tim Walz again showed that he’s working for the middle-class families of southern Minnesota and bringing change to Washington . Tim is fighting to cut middle-class taxes, create jobs by investing in renewable energy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”
Schmitter said that Walz’s record of fighting for the middle-class stands in stark contrast to his opponent’s support of the failed Bush Administration policies that favor CEOs and Big Oil over ordinary families.
“Today, Dr. Davis made two remarkable statements that make it clear he’ll continue the same failed, out-of-touch polices of the Bush Administration. He actually said that he supports keeping George Bush’s tax cuts for millionaires, but that he will oppose any new tax cuts for middle-class families. And, incredibly, he said once again that he has no idea how to improve care and benefits for our veterans,” Schmitter said.
The [pdf document here] debunks several of Dr. Davis’s distortions and misstatements during the debate. The debate plays on KAAL-TV on Sunday, October 12 ( 6:00PM ) and on KSTP TV on Sunday, October 19 ( 9:00PM ).
Davis Would Oppose Tax Cuts for Middle-Class Families:Davis said he supports the Bush Administration’s tax cuts for millionaires. But, when asked about tax cuts for the middle-class, such as that proposed by Senator Obama, Davis said: "I'm not in favor of tax cuts, additional tax cuts right now." [KSTP – League of Women Voters Debate, 10/12/08.
Davis Again Said He Has No Specific Proposals to Help Our Veterans: During the debate, when asked about specific proposals he would support to increase care and benefits for our veterans, Davis said: "I have no specific proposals right now." [KSTP – League of Women Voters Debate, 10/12/08.
Davis Doesn’t Understand Veterans’ Issues; Can’t Identify Ways to Improve Care for Veterans.< At a Fairmont candidates forum last week, Dr. Davis was asked, “What action would you take to provide better educational methods and health care to our veterans?” Davis responded, “I can’t identify any specific areas where we would improve the educational or healthcare methods for veterans. I know there was a recent bill passed that is doing just that.” [Fairmont Chamber of Commerce Candidates Forum, 10/2/08]
KSTP had two clips of the three-headed debate during Sunday’s newscast. The 5:30 News is a must see … Davis looks smarmy when he asked Walz about the Farm Bill. The 10:00 News had Walz being able to ask a question of Davis … it concerned Davis’ position on health care. I will be writing a commentary later. From these two clips, it is evident that Davis is totally inexperienced.
If you don't get the stations listed in the Walz press release, KSTC Channel 45 will broadcast it in its entirety on Saturday October, 19th at 9:00 PM. Check your provider for where Channel 45 is located.
Posted by: MinnesotaCentral | October 13, 2008 at 04:24 PM