Just in from the Walz campaign:
Dr. Brian Davis Calls On Washington Insider To Boost Sinking Campaign
Visit is from Congressional champion of gambling Social Security on the stock market
(Rochester, Minn.) – Today, in an effort to boost his stalled campaign, Dr. Brian Davis enlisted the help of a Washington insider, Congressman John Boehner. Davis’s campaign has stalled over public concerns over his plan to put Social Security funds at risk by investing them in the stock market.
Walz Campaign Manager Chris Schmitter said that Boehner’s visit was payback for Dr. Davis’s rigid support for the Republican Party line.
“I’m not surprised a Washington insider like John Boehner would come to help Dr. Davis,” Schmitter said. “After all, Dr. Davis pledged to avoid any independence at all and support every line in the Republican Party platform: from privatizing Social Security to abolishing the Department of Education.”
However, Schmitter said that Boehner’s visit is unlikely to have the impact Dr. Davis was hoping for.
“I understand that Dr. Davis is looking for help from anywhere he can get it to boost his campaign,” Schmitter said. “But I don’t think that bringing in the champion of Social Security privatization is going to help him much in this economic climate.”
“Tim Walz will always fight to protect Social Security from those who want to undermine it by investing it in the stock market,” said Schmitter.
Like Dr. Davis, who has routinely expressed support for privatizing Social Security, Boehner has a long history of pushing to gamble Social Security funds on the stock market. Boehner has a lifetime 0% voting record with the Alliance for Retired Americans because of his support for proposals that would gamble away the retirement security of America’s seniors. Tim Walz has been endorsed by the Alliance for Retired Americans due to his steadfast opposition to those proposals.
The following includes some key questions for Rep. Boehner and Dr. Davis today:
Last Spring, Davis Said He Supported The Privatization Of Social Security. Davis said, “I do believe that people below a certain age should have the option to invest some of their Social Security in the private market.” [Winona Youth GOP Debate, 2/23/08, full transcription available on request]
Again, Despite the Economic Crisis, Davis Recently Said Again That He Supported Privatizing Social Security. “Davis says privatizing, or allowing some of the payroll taxes to be invested, would be one way to help. ‘So let's say 40% or 50% of payroll taxes could be included into a secure type of even a 403B plan, which would be bonds and securities that are very stable,’ says Davis.” [KAAL News Interview, 9/25/08]
Davis Said If You Want to Know Where He Stood on an Issue to Look at the Republican Party Platform. Davis said, “I want to reassure you that I’m a conservative platform republican I will cast those votes and I will advocate on behalf of our causes. I think our Republican Party platform in this state is great. Do you want to know where I stand; you can start with that document.” [Fillmore Co GOP Convention, full transcription available on request]
Republican Party Platform of MN Republican Party Platform Section 1, Letter P (Page 2): Allowing all Americans to invest some or all of their Social Security payments, continuing to fulfill our obligations to older Americans, and prohibiting Congress from using Social Security funds for any other purpose.
Boehner Said Privatization Should Be the “Foundation” of Social Security: Boehner signed a letter to the President’s Commission on Strengthening Social Security, which said “We must make [personal retirement accounts] the foundation of Social Security.” May 24, 2001
Photo: Bush and Boehner just in case readers missed the Republican brand on Dr. Davis.