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October 18, 2008


Is this a strategy to appeal to the youth vote … after all isn’t his Facebook exploding ? Or … was his anti-establishment instinct that rejects deadlines (after all does Davis see any difference to paying his property taxes on time from completing a questionnaire on time) ?

I wonder what Dr. Davis NRA questionnaire looked like ? If he did not respond to their questionnaire, they would “ding” him and assume that he opposed the gun ownership.

Doesn’t this just show that Davis is only interested in “serving” on behalf of “his people” and not all the people of the First District.


Ollie replies: Davis return his NRA survey and received a "AQ" which means an A based on the questionnaire along in the absence of a record.

As for not honoring AARP's request for a completed survey, Davis is the one to ask. Set up a Facebook account and ask on his wall.

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