The Strib reports in Police: Coleman, Klobuchar, four others have property vandalized:
Vandals struck the garages and homes of at least six Minnesota members of Congress Tuesday night, spray painting angry graffiti including a Biblical reference to "Psalm 2."
In the Pioneer Press account, Six Minnesota Congress members' homes vandalized, there's an interesting tidbit about the words word at Congresswoman Bachmann's Stillwater property:
As the staffer arrived at the Stillwater home, which the Congresswoman is trying to sell, a realtor was arriving at the home with clients.
Marston said the black spray-painted message said, "Scum," "Psalm 2" "Resign Now" and "Vote no on the bailout."
The criminals who did this are as ill-informed as they are cowardly. With Representatives Peterson and Walz, Congresswomen Bachmann voted against the bailout. We hope the perps get the punishment they deserve, and that police in the First step up patrols near the Davis, Mikkelson, and Walz homes.
Don't like a politician's voting record? Express your opinion by way of the ballot on November 4!