Rip-and-Read blogger Alex and his wife recently moved to Rochester via Vermont and London. His post, Minnesota Nice, Rip-and-Read's Introduction to Minnesota Politics is a wonderful personal story of one man's first time door knock, with a great closing anecdote. So get out and vote like Alex --and the young first-time voter working at McDonalds. Some great pictures of Al Franken and Tim Walz as well.
Alex has an update in yesterday's post, "Obama Has Nailed It (We Sincerely Hope): Further Adventures on the Campaign Trail", in which he meets Jennifer, champion DFL volunteer and ace Rochester blogger. We're adding him to the district blogroll.
Here's yet another personal statement of support for Tim Walz that we solicited, from a union member in Rochester:
I support Tim Walz because he is a champion for the middle class.
Tim is one of us. A veteran, A teacher, a coach, a union member, a father and a husband, our friend and neighbor.
As a Veteran, he understands the struggles that face our returning veterans. Sitting on the Veterans Committee, he has been active in the passage of significant veterans’ legislation.
As a teacher, he understands the importance of a strong education system. He continues to support the district and students face the challenges created by the underfunding of No Child Left behind.
As a coach, he knows how to lead a determined group of people coming together for a common goal. We need good leaders in Washington.
As a union member, he supports the right to come together, and strive for the better good.
As a father and a husband, He knows what it's like to try to raise a family in this economy. He will fight for policies that will protect and help the middle class. He knows that the middle class is what drives the economy.
As a friend and neighbor, he sees our nation's healthcare system is going from bad to worse. Tim voted for health care for millions of uninsured children, and will fight for quality affordable healthcare for all.
I'm extremely proud to support Tim Walz for U.S. Congress.
Laura Askelin
The personal statements we're publishing here are from friends across the district who took time to write about why they thought Walz should be re-elected.