In College politics: It's about being involved, the Mankato Free Press reports:
On the Democrat side, the excitement has meant more satellite offices both for the Obama campaign, and for state Democrats.
Wothe, for example, has been a paid satellite representative of the Minnesota Young DFL. She works on behalf of all Democratic candidates, including Obama, Al Franken, Tim Walz and Terry Morrow.
The Worthington globe talked to high school students who are eligible to vote in Students show interest in election. The piece is focused on the presidential race. An interesting read. The Rochester Bulletin reports that Minnesota's New voters are overwhelmingly younger than 30.
Veterans in the congressional elections notes the VoteVets has endorsed Congressman Walz. Jeff Rosenberg writes in 2008 election predictions, and looking ahead to 2010:
District 1 was supposed to be a competitive race, but Democrat Tim Walz has run away with this race.
Goes to show what hard work, great organizing and terrific fundraising will do. There are a lot of letters to the editor today, but one of our favorites is Walz has had tight family budget times in the Albert Lea Tribune. Another good one: Walz champions for troops and vets:
Recently, Dr. Brian Davis said during a debate on TV that he couldn’t name a single idea about how to improve health care for our veterans. Really? There are more than 50,000 veterans in southern Minnesota and I bet if you asked just one of them, they would be happy to give Brian Davis an idea or two. I guess Brian Davis just hasn’t bothered to ask any of them, or maybe it’s just not a priority for him.
On the other hand, Tim Walz has been a champion for veterans since he went to Congress, working for an increase in the mileage reimbursement rates for veterans, making sure our soldiers going to Kosovo received combat pay for their service, and supporting the new G.I. Bill. We need to make sure that our representative in Congress has actually taken the time to think about issues that are important to us, and from Brian Davis’s own admission, that’s not him.
We're hearing fascinating stories about the Davis campaign from our Republican friends in the district, but none of the tales about Davis's odd behavior and peculiar notions can beat his own statement to the Owatonna People's Press about how the race is close. Well, maybe the Davis campaign declaring the district was a dead heat when the Rochester Republican polled 32 percent.
What a kidder. Even the conservative site True North says in Fearless Predictions - Take 2:
First District: Tim Walz will win going away. . .
In honor of Dr. Davis's deep thoughts on the "close" election in the First, a little Bob Dylan: