Earlier in the week, we posted a press release from the Franken campaign about its request that 27 uncounted absentee ballots that were originally accepted in Olmsted County should be opened and added to the tally.
The Post Bulletin reports today:
Olmsted County ballot challenge
In a separate ruling filed this morning, Winona District Judge Nancy Bostrack deferred to the Minnesota Supreme Court's ruling for 27 disputed ballots in Olmsted County. Franken has sued Olmsted County over 27 rejected absentee ballots he argued should be counted because they were originally accepted.
Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem said the Minnesota Supreme Court's decision means the 50 ballots that were classified as improperly rejected in Olmsted County must be reviewed by the county's canvassing board and representatives from both campaigns to make sure everyone agrees they were wrongly rejected. Ostrem said the county expects to do the ballot review next week and will take a couple of hours.