We happened upon an item in an article about two Floridian freshman Republicans in today's TCPalm:
. . .Despite drawing number 34, out of 54, Rooney's office, on the fifth floor of the Longworth House Office Building, looking out toward the Rayburn Building, was his third choice. . . .
. . .Previously occupied by Congressman Tim Walz, a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party member from Minnesota, the office at one time was used by former Treasure Coast Congressman Mark Foley. .
In an email. we wondered where Congressman Walz had relocated. District Director Meredith Salsbery noted that the first district's congressman had moved up to a spot on the "7th floor of Longworth. The office is slightly larger, but has a good view and a much better layout."
In 2006, Walz drew 32 out of 49 when the office lottery took place after the election, so we're thinking the new digs probably are an improvement.