Now that the blizzard has subsided and we can once again see our computer screen, we'll try to squeeze out a post before our hooves freeze.
Pat Lowther of Sleepy Eye writes the editors of the New Ulm Journal to say Walz refused pay raise:
A recent editorial in the Journal (January 8, 2009) rightly criticized members of Congress for accepting pay raises, ending its critique with the following advice:
"Members of Congress should set a good example by refusing the raises."
That's exactly what First District congressman Tim Walz has done. In fact, Walz has refused a pay raise for two years in a row.
The Rochester Post Bulletin's political reporter Heather Carlson writes in her Political notebook: Congressmen focus on wasteful federal spending:
With the nation's economy in a tailspin and the federal deficit ballooning, two area congressmen are focusing on wasteful spending. . . .
. . .1st District DFL Rep. Tim Walz last week applauded the U.S. House and Senate appropriations committees for approving earmark reforms. Every member of Congress will have to list their earmark requests on their Web sites beginning in fiscal year 2010. Walz has been voluntarily releasing a list of his earmark requests since his first term in 2007.
The Rochester Democrat notes that will be staging a Political Action at the representative's Rochester office. and Walz have had a rather chilly relationship since September 2007, though we don't know--since we're not on the group's email list--what specific items the group will be pushing on this particular visit, focused on federal economic recovery efforts.
And given the weather today--much of Southwestern Minnesota is closed and snow plows were pulled from the roads, the Worthington Globe reported this afternoon--what better song to close this post that a favorite Jim Reeves classic:
Photo: The AP picked up this Mankato Free Press photo of Washington grade school students waiting for a bus after the snowstorm prompted officials to dismiss school early.