In the pdf version of the Mankato Free Press, we find this anecdote, taken from Mark Fischenich's "Scene ‘amazing, almost surreal': Congressman Walz and wife, Sleepy Eye’s Lori Sellner witness history":
No go for Gus
The Walzes recognized they had it easy compared to the masses on the Mall, but Gwen said there were no regrets about the decision to leave their two children at home with their aunt.
They considered bringing Hope, 8, but ultimately decided it would be too difficult for her — especially since she would need to sit apart from her parents.
As for 2-year- old Gus, they immediately ruled it out.
“For everyone involved — the FBI, the new president,” Gwen said. “... The FBI has a lot of duties today. One is not to chase Gus. He could have brought the whole event down.”
Gus demonstrated his two-ness when they brought him to the congressional swearing-in earlier in the month, allowing him to join the congressman as he took the oath of office from Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“After about five minutes, he had himself down on the floor and was not going to get up,” Gwen said. “ We had the speaker essentially step over him. ... He is not cleared for prime time.”
Guess Michelle Obama had it right about that angelic-looking little fellow when she visited Rochester for a campaign stop on his birthday.
If we recall correctly, then nearly three-month old baby Gus spit up on Dad shortly before his first swearing in by Speaker Pelosi.
Photo: Gus and Tim Walz share a moment. From Cornerhouse Comments.