We seem to have a lot of friends enjoying birthdays today, including two former students celebrating their 21st. While both will have to put away childish things, we hope they never lose their curiosity and generous spirits. Tristan has already gotten his birthday post; that leaves Karl.
Karl is one of those guys with it all, good looks and enormous athletic talent. In a stereotyped script, he would have been the small town jock cliche. It didn't take many class periods to understand that his parents did right by Karl, raising a sweet-tempered and considerate son. If the wisdom that the Wizard shared with the Tin Man is true, Karl was blessed indeed. His classmates were almost protective in their affection.
Guys like Karl prevent us from kvetching about kids these days; frankly, Karl is the norm rather than the exception in our circles. He's in college and engaged to a beautiful young woman named Emilie.
We got him a new president for his birthday, and hope he likes this video (it's an oldie):