Rumor has it A reliable source tells us that after voting against the economic stimulus package that would preserve and create jobs, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann sat in First Class on her way home on a Northwest flight from Washington to Minneapolis, via Detroit.
Upgrade with frequent flyer miles? Self-indulgence?
Or maybe just an illustration of the truth underlying the headline in today's Washington Post: GOP Faces Misshapen Identity--and this paragraph in that feature article:
But what do Republicans do?
Who are they?
"That all needs to be sorted out," Czwartacki says. "Are we the party of fiscal responsibility? Are we the party of small government? Are we the party of smarter small government? Are we the party of property rights?
Or the party of First Class and misinformation on Glenn Beck?
I get upgraded automatically to first class all of the time because I fly all of the time. So let's hope that she was upgraded from her coach ticket.
I'd never pass up a chance to fly in first class, especially on those smaller planes that usually go from DC to Minn.
But if I did see her in first class, I'd ask her a few questions. The first one being, "Lady, are you nuts, or just as dumb as a box of hammers??"
Posted by: Smed | January 30, 2009 at 08:11 AM