We received this statement from Walz's congressional office, as well as the pdf file that follows:
(Washington, D.C.) – With economists projecting that unemployment will continue to rise into next year hitting 8.8 percent, Congressman Tim Walz today voted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, H.R. 1, which economists from across the political spectrum agree will create millions of new jobs in the near future. Walz, a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee worked with his congressional colleagues to make job creation through investment in public infrastructure like roads, bridges and clean energy the cornerstone of the economic recovery plan.
“Our economy is in crisis and people are hurting,” said Rep. Tim Walz. “We’re going to turn this crisis into a job-creating opportunity, putting 3-4 million people back to work rebuilding our country and preparing America for the future. This is one of those times in our history when doing too little poses a greater threat than doing too much. Clearly, it won’t be easy but America’s better days are still to come.”
This legislation will create and save 3 to 4 million jobs, rebuilding America, making us more globally competitive and energy independent, and transforming our economy for long-term growth; give 95% of American workers an immediate tax cut; and invest quickly in the economy – with 75% spent in the first 18 months. For example, the plan provides $45 million to Minnesota in Byrne grant funding, which would keep police officers on the beat all across the state. It will also provide about $685 million to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for “shovel-ready” construction projects that can be up and running quickly.
“This recovery plan puts Americans back to work fixing our roads, bridges, and schools,” said Walz. “At the same time it calls into action our entrepreneurs, engineers, mechanics, electricians, and other laborers to transition our country to energy independence and bring the power and opportunity of high-speed internet to all corners of rural America. What’s exciting is that southern Minnesotans can benefit greatly from this strategy. Experts say more than 90 percent of the jobs created will be in the private sector.” added Walz.
“The Congress and President must act quickly because the situation continues to worsen by the day. Most importantly, this must be done in an open and transparent way, inviting people from all walks of life and across the political spectrum to become a part of the solution,” said Walz.
Also today Walz announced that he will hold listening sessions with school district, township, city and county elected officials on Thursday and Friday to brief local leaders on the House recovery package and to hear from them on the types of jobs that can be created in southern Minnesota if local projects receive funding when the state of Minnesota distributes its portion of federal recovery dollars. Walz has invited Governor Pawlenty and his staff to join the discussion since the recovery package is likely to direct funding through state government and into local communities.
“After this becomes law, a part of my job in Congress will be to hold the new Obama Administration accountable as they implement the plan and to make sure they are being fiscally responsible with these precious taxpayer resources,” concluded Walz.
The House-passed recovery bill does not include earmarks and leaves most funding distribution decisions around local projects up to state leaders. It does include significant accountability measures to ensure public reporting on where and when recovery dollars are spent. A detailed summary prepared by House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey of Wisconsin is attached.
Download the pdf of the file hee.