On Sunday, we noted the Winona Daily News and LaCrosse Tribune's coverage of Congressman Walz continued support for the EFCA in our post Sunday digest: news, link farming and Muse Tube as well.
Today the WDN has printed a letter supporting Walz's position by local DFLer and progressive activist Doug Nopar,
The criticism in Sunday’s paper of Rep. Tim Walz and the Employee Free
Choice Act by Della Schmidt and the Chamber of Commerce is certainly
predictable. It is part of an ongoing national campaign by corporate
business interests to maximize profits at the expense of working people.
What is deceitful about the chamber’s opposition is the suggestion that this legislation somehow “robs workers of a fundamental, democratic, American right.” Now, wait a minute. Are we supposed to believe that Big Business opposes this legislation because it would hurt workers? Maybe we should believe that Big Business had spent the past 30 years defending workers’ rights as well. Instead, both nationally and internationally, the corporate business community has used every tool available, legal and illegal, to prevent workers from organizing. The result has been the greatest slide in working people’s real wages the nation has ever seen, while those at the top have amassed more and more wealth.
Do we as a nation really want to keep widening the income gap between the haves and the have-nots? I don’t believe this kind of income disparity helps anyone, be they rich or poor. Thank you, Tim Walz, for looking out for what is best for all of us.
What is deceitful about the chamber’s opposition is the suggestion that this legislation somehow “robs workers of a fundamental, democratic, American right.” Now, wait a minute. Are we supposed to believe that Big Business opposes this legislation because it would hurt workers? Maybe we should believe that Big Business had spent the past 30 years defending workers’ rights as well. Instead, both nationally and internationally, the corporate business community has used every tool available, legal and illegal, to prevent workers from organizing. The result has been the greatest slide in working people’s real wages the nation has ever seen, while those at the top have amassed more and more wealth.
Do we as a nation really want to keep widening the income gap between the haves and the have-nots? I don’t believe this kind of income disparity helps anyone, be they rich or poor. Thank you, Tim Walz, for looking out for what is best for all of us.