Our friends at the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council sent us this news. SEMNLC president Laura Askelin will probably have more to say about it on the Uptake at 5:05.
If Governor Tim Pawlenty has his way, corporations will pay less and working Minnesotans will pay more. President Obama and Congressman Walz are working hard to rebuild our economy and restore the middle class. But Gov. Pawlenty would pass the responsibility onto mayors, city council, and school district rather than make the tough choices.
Minnesota's unemployment rate continued to climb in February, hitting a seasonally adjusted 8.1 percent as the state shed another 13,300 jobs. As we see the employment rate sore, Governor Pawlenty wants to cut $750 million to balance the budget. His cuts will cause more layoffs and more harm to families already hurting by the poor economy. His cuts mean real pain for union members and every family and community across the state.
1. Call Your Elected Officials and Tell Them:
*Save jobs and services Minnesotans count on.
*Families are hurting by the poor economy and need our vital public services to survive.
*Fix the budget by raising revenue, including fair taxes on the wealthy.
Governor Pawlenty: 651-296-3391
House Speaker Kelliher: 651-296-0171
Senate Majority Leader Pogemiller: 651-296-7809
Your Senator & Representative: 651-296-2146 (call for names and numbers)
2. On Thursday, March 26 Take Your Lunch Hour with Us!
The Governor's budget plan puts the services you depend on at risk. Passage will lead to major local government aid (LGA) cuts, reducing funds available for rec. centers and libraries, as well as regulatory services, public safety and public works. Minnesota can't afford the Governor's hit!
Rally on Capitol Steps to Support LGA
Thursday, March 26
Noon to 1:00pm
For more information contact Bree Halverson at 651-222-3787, ext. 20 or [email protected]
*To carpool from the Rochester Labor Temple 3-26-09 at 10AM, contact Liz McLoone [email protected] or 507-254-9249
What the Governor’s Budget Would Do to a Struggling Minnesota:
*Cut health services including those that benefit seniors and the disabled by 35 percent
*Remove 113,000 families from access to affordable health care
*Cut 11,000 private sector jobs
*Place the safety of families at risk by stretching police and firefighters too thin
*Raise property taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars
*Weaken the research capacity of the University of Minnesota by cutting its budget by 10%.