We just received a copy of this statement about the EFCA:
Statement from Minnesota AFL-CIO President Ray Waldron applauding Minnesota Congressional Co-Sponsors of the Employee Free Choice Act
Today is a banner day for working Minnesotans – thanks to six members of Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation who are co-sponsoring the Employee Free Choice Act.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar and US Representatives Collin Peterson, Jim Oberstar, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison and Tim Walz are standing with working Minnesotans to co-sponsor the Employee Free Choice Act, which will restore workers’ freedom to negotiate for fair wages, job security, better health care and secure pensions.
The Employee Free Choice Act is legislation that makes good on a simple promise: If a majority of employees in a workplace want a union, they should be able to form a union and bargain together for a better life. The Employee Free Choice Act has broad public support. Independent polling shows that 73 percent of the public supports it .
Wealthy corporations oppose the bill and are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to defeat it. But hard working Minnesotans, like their counterparts across the country, are mobilizing and calling on Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act.
Passing the Employee Free Choice Act will allow workers to have a voice at work, lift their standard of living and build stronger communities as well as stro nger families.
For more information, go to www.employeefreechoice.org
Photo: Ray Waldron. via Workday Minnesota.