We're not the only Democrats around who favor gun rights. Oregon-based Blue Steel Democrats reports 65 Congressional Democrats tell Holder "No" on the Assault Weapons Ban:
Led by Arkansas Congressman, Mike Ross, sixty-five pro-gun Democrats--including Oregon's inestimable Pete DeFazio--signed an open letter to Attorney General Eric Holder
opposing any effort to renew the so-called Assault Weapons Ban. 65
Congressmen represents a significant portion of Democratic house
majority; enough to show clearly the assault weapons ban (AWB) is dead in the current Congress.
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, respectively the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate, have already gone on record publicly opposing any new AWB. It is my sincere hope that the perennial anti-gun legislators will recognize the futility of bringing forward any new legislation to ban any currently legal class of firearm, thus avoiding political theater that could only damage Democrats despite the hard work by so many Democratic Congressmen.
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, respectively the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate, have already gone on record publicly opposing any new AWB. It is my sincere hope that the perennial anti-gun legislators will recognize the futility of bringing forward any new legislation to ban any currently legal class of firearm, thus avoiding political theater that could only damage Democrats despite the hard work by so many Democratic Congressmen.
Politico posted a pdf of the letter here.