Gwen Walz wrote to the Rochester Democrat and others to tell supporters that Tim
Walz's 45th birthday is coming up and there will be a birthday brunch
on Saturday, March 28, for him in Mankato:
In just a few weeks, Tim will turn 45 (yes, I’m sure he will be 45) –
and I would like to invite you to celebrate with our family.
On Saturday, March 28 Bea and Joe Moosally will host a birthday party
brunch for Tim. And, since changing our country and our community is at
the heart of our lives, we are organizing this celebration with the
hope of raising money for our campaign for Congress.
Thanks to your support we just finished another successful campaign.
However, Tim and I never take anything for granted. Our country is
experiencing dramatic change. There are so many things to do, so much
change to take place. Our opponents have made it clear – they do not
share our vision for this country. In fact, they want us to fail.
Your presence and financial support will help us celebrate Tim’s
birthday and provide our campaign with financial resources to get our
message out to southern Minnesota. Please click here to contribute to this worthy cause (changing our country) even if you cannot attend....
Congressman Walz's birthday is April 6, but who can blame his supporters picking another day to celebrate--after all, April 6 is also Congresswoman Bachmann's birthday as well. Things like this cause us to have no faith in astrology.
The Austin Herald reports in Location of new Vets Clinic still unknown:
Prospects for a community-based outreach clinic for veterans to be located in Austin remain in limbo.
According to Norman Hecimovich, ESGR region chairman for District No. 6, he has personally petitioned First District Congressman Tim Walz (Democrat-Minnesota) for his assistance.
In return, Walz informed Hecimovich Monday, the decision where to locate the clinic is only in the “preliminary process.”
The Department of Veterans Affairs will make that decision.
Walz, a 24-year member of the Army National Guard, is a member of the House veterans’ affairs committee.
“I was very pleased,” he told Hecimovich in a letter, “when the VA announced it will be placing a new community-based outpatient clinic in what it calls the ‘south central border region’ of Minnesota.”
“The new CBOC in southern Minnesota will certainly improve many of our veterans’ access to health care,” Walz said.
According to Walz, the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis has informed him the decision where to located the clinic is still in the “preliminary stages.”
The congressman promised he would continue to “advocate” for veterans and for locating the clinic in “southern Minnesota,” but did not specify a location.
“Ultimately,” Walz said, “it is up to VA to decide where the CBOC will be located.”
The Owatonna People's Press has also reported interest in having the clinic in that town, though the Steele County city does seem less likely given the description of the proposed location as the " ‘south central border region’ of Minnesota.”
The Albert Lea Tribune reports Albert Lea receives federal assistance for cross runway at Albert Lea airport:
First District Congressman Tim Walz on Monday announced Albert Lea will receive $550,000 in federal economic stimulus funds to rehabilitate the Albert Lea Municipal Airport crosswind runway.
Airport Manager Jim Hanson said the project will go out for bids in the next month with construction expected in June or July. There have already been contractors from a testing company at the airport collecting soil and asphalt borings from 10-feet deep. The airport is built on sand, so base construction will be minimal.
Hanson said the reconstruction of the crosswind runway is a project that was not expected to be completed for six or seven years; however, because the city’s engineering staff had already done their part to make the project “shovel ready,” it was awarded the money.. . .
. . .Albert Lea’s airport project has been in the works for several years. The city originally started talking about it in the 1970s, but in 2000 and 2001, there was a renewed goal of getting the runway rebuilt by 2005. That goal is now closer than ever. . . .
For tonight's lullaby, an old and somewhat neglected tune by CCR. It's a lovely ditty, if nothing else because the last verse alludes the final one in this mild labor song. A shout out to our union friends: