Minnesota's long senatorial slumber is over, with the State Supreme Court ruling unanimously that:
. . .we affirm the decision of the trial court that Al Franken received the highest number of votes legally cast and is entitled under Minn. Stat. § 204C.40 (2008) to receive the certificate of election as United States Senator from the State of Minnesota. Affirmed
Governor Pawlenty, sign that certificate. It's time that Senator Franken, his marvelous state director Alana Petersen (one half of rural Minnesota's nicest power couple), and others to be named get to work. I'm on hold with the Governor's office waiting to share my opinion: sign the certificate. Contact him yourself.
Senator Klobuchar and her staff, and the staff in congressional offices have for too long been burdened with the added workload brought on by the senate vacancy. For the sake of fairness and the citizens of Minnesota, do the right thing.
Update: Loyal readers know that Bluestem Prairie originally focused just on the First Congressional District, where the editor was born and where the site takes its avatar (the editor's ancestor's cabin in Mankato's Sibley Park). And though BSP has expanded to cover all of the agricultural part of Greater Minnesota, Congressman Walz is still our favorite House member. His statement on the affirmation of Al Franken's election is below the fold.
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