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Aug 06, 2009



Seems odd that the substance of this post is based on the tactic (which is used as much, if not more, by the left as the right) rather than the argument itself.

While the current health care plan does not bring us to full on communism it is a very disturbing leap to many of us. Despite Obama's claims to the opposite there is robust competition in health care (1300 insurance companies and almost 5000 hospitals - 2008 census info). Rather than taking the logical steps of tort reform, changing tax laws that allow hospitals to write off losses to the uninsured at the full charge (thereby disguising gains...at the not for profit hospitals) and offering greater tax deductibility of medical expenses, among others - Obama leaps head on into the largest entitlement program in the history of humanity. With no responsible method to pay for the costs other than dubious accounting and pollyanna projections it (along with our folly wars which Obama can't seem to find the exit from) is likely to push into a economic morass of Argentinian proportions.

Phoenix Woman

Govtmule, do you think that TRICARE is Socialism? Do you think that veterans or the elderly -- or any of us -- should simply die in the streets?


No, I do not think Tricare is socialism - and as I reread my post I cannot see where I advocated for people dying in the street or affirmatively compared health care reform to socialism. To me this represents a very shallow solution to a deep problem. Rushing to fix this with a government program that will stifle competition - and the search for solutions (to delivering health care efficiently) is foolishness. The private sector has brought us the tremendous advancements in healthcare through the search for profit and recognition - let this continue while we take steps to stop the bleeding on the cost side. If we want the federal government to take a larger role have them provide incentives to states that provide workable solutions is controlling health care costs.


To the substance of the article - the actions of people at Farmfest and the reports from around the nation are distressing. Civility and discourse are always preferable to noise. At the same time the media's attachment of the Astro-turf labels and broad criticism of everyone who is opposed to the current bill as being a right-wing pawn is counterproductive as well. Many of us are simply pragmatists that see a deep well.

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