5: 31 Like the others who have called in, I'm waiting for Congressman Walz and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to join the call.
5: 38 Meredith Salsbury is explaining how the teletownhall will work. Since I don't live inthe ditrict, I won't be asking a answer. Walz and Sebelius are on the line now.
5:40 Walz is discussing the high quality health care available in the district at Mayo and other quality care providers in Southern Minnesota.
5:43 HHS Secretary Sebelius is speaking now. She notes how long the discussion of health care reform has been going on. She mentions the principles behind the bills out so far. 1. Costs should go down. 2. Rules for insurance companies should be changed--insurance companies shouldn't be able to deny care doctors and patients want. 3. People should be able to pick their own plans and doctors. 4, Insurance should be portable from job to job.
5:47 Sebelius reviewing key provisions in the various bills.
5: 51 Chuck in Rochester asks question about his concern. He's confused about the end of life issues. He thinks those sorts of decisions are important. He wants to know about care for this young adult son.
5:55 Walz explains that the end-of-life counseling issue has been misrepresented. Counseling isn't mandatory; rather, those who want to have such sessions with their doctors will be able to afford it.
More young people would be covered and people couldn't be denied coverage for preexisting conditions. Sebelius notes that parents could keep their children on their plans longer.
Laura a physician is Winona asks about the CBO cost estimates, noting that the CBO found that costs would soar and payment to Medicare would be cut. Walz notes that the CBO didn't estimate costs of value-based payments. Sebelius notoes how the plan would pay for the Medicare cuts that are coming under current law.
5:59 Eric in Rochester asks about the weakening of support for the public option and the possibility of hralth care co-ops. The question is directed to Sibelius.
She says that the administration wants various options and support for the public option remains.
A woman named Karen asks if she'll loss health and dental care she obtains via her retirement. Sebelius says she won't lose her current plan. It will most likely be maintained.
6:04 Harley in Mankato asks a question about how the bill will affect Tricare.
6:05 Sebelius notes that while there has been a great deal of confusion over Tricare and Veterans health care. They will not be negatively impacted. Walz talks about the strengthening the VA.
6:06 John in Mankato asks a question about telehealth and the mechanisms for companis developing teleheath technology to contact HHS.
Sebelius talks about how useful telehealth technology was in Kansas, where she was governor before joining the Obama administration. She mentions provisions in the stimulus bill that went toward telehealth technology.
Via chat, I've just been told there's room for more on this call. Phone in, listen and perhaps ask a question.
John in Fairmont and Bill in Rochester weren't on the line anymore to ask their questions.
6:11 Kaelan (?) from Caledonia wants to know why, since rapidly rising insurance costs and being dropped from plans when people need health care, are insurance companies allowed to set so much of the agenda for reform.
Walz says that everyone has to be at the table, but doesn't believe Congress has capituated to the insurance companies. Sebelius talks about how the new legislation will change the rules . [more on this later].
6:17 Wendy from Pine Island asks what's in the bill to help small business, which she believes is bearing a huge burden in order to provide health care for employees. She is a small business owner. Walz explains how a tax credits will be provided for small businesses that will help small businesses better afford employee health care plans. Sebelius says that many small businesses want to provide insurance but can't afford it. This puts small businesses--where the bulk of new jobs are created--at a disadvantage.
6:21 Dave from Fairmont asks if the new health care reform plan is so good, will Walz take it for his family? Walz explains how his plan is like those being offered. He noted that Tricare was the best insurance his family ever had.
Carl from Eagle Lake asks why couldn't Congress just extend Medicare to everyone. Those who could afford private insurance could keep it, but those who want the public insurance could take it. Secretary Sebelius explains that idea was considered but a decision was made not to dismantle the system of insurance provided by employers.
My phone dropped the call and i didn't here all the answers
6: 27 A man asks the Secretary if the plan will cover all people in the country, including immigrants who don't have legal status. She says it will not and Walz says that both House and Senate bills don't cover anyone who does not have legal status.
They both thank those people participating in the process of democracy. The teletownhall is over
Later: This was interesting, but not as lively as a face-to-face meeting. Thursday night's Town Hall meeting in Mankato should provide more challenging discussion.
Those interested in a similar call-in teletownhall can participate in one on Sunday, conducted by Senator Amy Klobuchar. From her website:
The tele-town hall will be held on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m
Central Time. Those wishing to participate can register for the call by
clicking the tele-town hall link on the home page of Senator
Klobuchar’s web site at www.klobuchar.senate.gov.
The deadline for registering for the call is Friday, August 21, 2009 at
12:00pm. Those who register will receive an automated reminder phone
call on Friday evening and then a call on Sunday to be joined to the
Note: The liveblog was edited for typos. I am waiting to learn if Walz's Congressional office will post a complete audio file so that individuals can listen to the call, rather than relying on my paraphrase of what all those involved said. The above live blog is not a word-for-word transcript of the questions nor the replies.
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