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Sep 24, 2009



Pawlenty has been a poor governor. I never thought I'd say I wish our governor would follow Sarah Palin's lead but I wish he would - and quit!

From environment to caring for the vulnerable in our society he's not been someone we could trust, believe in or follow.


Pawlenty certainly has performed poorly on his promise but LGA has a devastating effect on government accountability. It masks the true costs of local government. Since funding of LGA is based on a standard formula there are communities that pay a higher tax rate (income and property combined) than they actually use - subsidising other communities. Likewise the subsidised communities are unaware that their local government is not working efficiently.

Because the true costs/effectiveness of government are masked voters cannot make an informed decision on election day for local or state officials. The proper method of combining a property and income tax to local government support would be dedicating a portion of the income tax to taxpayers local government unit and a portion to the location where the income was earned.

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