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Sep 26, 2009


Minnesota Central

Representative Bachmann is a smart politician … she realizes that presidential candidate Ron Paul got 16% of the MN-GOP vote in the February caucuses and his supporters tried to be active at the MN-GOP state convention. While Representative Bachmann was an active participant in the GOP convention at the Exel Energy Center, she had to know about the three-day event that Paul’s supporters held at the same time … including over 10,000 paid admissions to hear Paul speak at Target Center.

Considering the poor performance of Norm Coleman in maintaining the Republican vote (more than 63,200 McCain supports did not vote for Coleman) which may have been based on Coleman’s TARP vote, the “Paul” voter could be in play in 2010 congressional elections. Bachmann knows that Independence Party candidate Bob Anderson received 40,643 in the 2008 Sixth District election … no doubt some were “Paul” supporters.

But what got me was Representative Bachmann’s comment that she and Ron Paul had voted the same on stimulus legislation … WRONG.

On January 28, 2008 under Roll Call #25, Congresswoman Bachmann voted FOR the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 [H.R. 5140] which Congressman Paul opposed.
The $168 billion economic stimulus package was touted for providing tax prebates to U.S. taxpayers and tax breaks to businesses, but also to make more-expensive mortgages available through the government and government-sponsored mortgage-finance companies (Federal Housing Administration and Fannie Mae). Since voting for this legislation, Representative Bachmann made Fannie Mae a favorite target (only recently usurped by ACORN.) History has proven, what almost every economist agreed when the legislation was being enacted, that the business tax breaks would have very little impact on the 2008 economy.

Bachmann has been a loyal Republican while Paul has been true to his beliefs which he stated in describing the Target Center event : "The Rally for the Republic is the first step in alerting our countrymen to these dangers, and holding out the message of freedom is the only remedy. We must resist the false choices the two major parties are giving us - join me in Minneapolis, and let's shake the rafters."

Is that the basis for a 2012 campaign slogan
“Freedom is the only remedy, so become armed and dangerous and slit your wrists against the false choices
– Vote Paul/Bachmann – 2012” ?

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