Back on October 12, Bluestem broke the story Allen Quist reportedly exploring congressional bid. I've been regularly checking the URLs his wife Julie Quist (Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's district director) registered, and today the site is live.
Could this apparition be a sign that Quist's political career has risen from the grave this All Hallow's Eve?
The site is still fairly barebones, sporting only two posts: Restoring the American Dream (the campaign slogan) and The Health Care Bill—is it about Reform, or Control?, in which answers its own question:
The bill is all about control.
Quist proposes that citizens rise to Michele Bachmann's call to storm the halls of Congress in protest:
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has said we should show up in Washington, DC. This is a call to action. I invite everyone to join with us at Washington D.C., on the 5th and 6th of November. We want these wayward lawmakers to see our faces. We want them to hear our voices. We want to be there.
One wonders whether Mr. Quist attended Congressman Walz's Town Halls or asked for a meeting with him. Quist's appeal is based on a Bachmann appearance on Sean Hannity's show; News Hounds watched the segment and fact checks it here.
Update: There's now a video up in A Nation of Limited People.
Quist's campaign also has set up a Facebook Fan page, a Twitter account, and a YouTube Channel.
For more from Bluestem on possible GOP contenders against Congressman Walz, see Rightwing values and performance art in MN-01: Mr. Quist and "Mr. Conservative" and Will state Senator Julie Rosen (R-Fairmont) run for Congress in 2010?.