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Oct 16, 2009


Minnesota Central

Great post.

The obvious question is :
Is the 1CD-MN-GOP bench that empty, or are they too intelligent to want to throw away their current position to be the sacrificial lamb

What I don't understand is why the MN-GOP doesn't look at Rochester as one of the keys to retaining the governorship ? Unless my memory is wrong again, Pawlenty won Olmsted County while Gutknecht lost his home county. Putting a candidate up that calls St. Peter, Fairmont or Blue Earth home will not help the battle for Governor.


Al Quist, should you ever meet him in person, is one of the scariest people you will ever hear. The universe he lives in shares very little with ours. He truly exemplifies the term "Right Wingnut".

Phoenix Woman

Is that a clown car I see? Why, yes, yes it is, and it's being driven by Brian Davis.

Good Lord, is Davis' plan to set it up so the next Republican to face Tim Walz does even worse than he himself did last year? Or am I giving Davis too much credit here?

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