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Oct 26, 2009


Jeff Fecke

And this is a guy who True North felt was worth promoting. It's sickening. Thanks for covering this; this kind of hate thrives best under a rock with the other scum. The best way to get rid of it is by tipping the rock over, and exposing it to light.

Jay Broz

What about Asians...or Asians? Does this guy think they should live separately, stripped of US citizenship? What about Hispanics who are of European descent, or those who have African heritage? What about people of mixed ethnicity? None of this is mentioned in the article, so I wonder.

Seriously, what is wrong with people like this guy? Such thinking can't all be attributed to bad upbringing, ignorance or low intelligence. What makes a man think like this?


Well, this certainly explains the reason why WE are hated all over the world as a country. The white race who has ALWAYS had the best, has been using this egotistical BS Internationally and crushing the underdeveloped nations for their resources, knowing it's all eventually about OWNING everything and everybody's nation.

If they kept their noses out of everybody business, we wouldn't have the problems worldwide, we have now.

Nosey old busy bodies.

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