All three SD26 candidates's supporters are sending in letters to the editor to area papers. This one in the Faribault Daily News by Paul and Mary Ellen Bondhus is probably my favorite for Jason Engbrecht, since the writers do a god job of capturing Engbrecht's character.
This is a fair portrait of the person I've seen on the campaign trail:
Here is why we are going to vote for Jason Engbrecht on the 26th: We met Jason and the rest of his family about four years ago through our church. We can say that Jason is personable and caring. He is an excellent listener because he really is concerned about what others are saying. He and his family go to our church and are very involved with their children in the children’s ministry activities. He married his high school sweetheart and is still married to her after 15 years. They have two young girls, one of whom they adopted from Ethiopia. In the past four years, we have come to know Jason as someone who cares deeply about other people and his community. Jason is very informed about the issues that challenge our state today and understands that there is no easy solution to these problems.
We have a deaf son and a hard -of-hearing son. Jason is very interested in helping kids that need adaptations in the classroom get what they need to learn. He has visited the State Academies for the Deaf and the Blind. He has talked with the superintendent of the academies and will openly support them in St. Paul. From serving on the Faribault School Board, working as a professor, and as a father, Jason is very intimate with education and how important it is for our children’s future and the well being of our economy. He understands that an investment in children today will mean citizens of tomorrow that will demonstrate leadership, creativity and critical thinking that will help our state and country compete on a global level.Jason understands that we have a very serious budget shortfall in Minnesota, and we truly believe that he is the best candidate to work with the other members of the legislature to find intelligent solutions that work. Now more than ever we need someone who can truly represent our district with sensible leadership. That person is Jason