DFL-endorsed Senate District candidate Jason Engbrecht serves on the Faribault School Board. According to the Daily News, School board members take a paycut for 2010:
Just as they did last year, the Faribault School Board members reduced their monthly stipends.
Board members will receive $250 a month this year compared to $292.50 per month in 2009.
The 2009 rate of $292.50 was a 10-percent reduction from 2008’s monthly $325 stipend.
As board chair last year, Dave Korbel cut the chair’s stipend to that of a regular board member. The position traditionally received $25 more a month.
Two years ago, it cost the district $27,600 to pay the school board. In 2010, the district will pay $21,000. . . .
According to an email from the candidate to Bluestem, Engbrecht introduced last night's motion for the pay cut.
The FDN and the Owatonna People's Press both carried Claire Kennedy's article, Srp makes campaign stop in Owatonna and link to a video edited from footage the paper shot during the visit. From the sounds of it, voters checking him out asked some tough questions:
If elected, Srp will face a lonely 10-month tenure. Currently there are no Independence Party Senators or representatives in the Minnesota Legislature. For this reason, even those gathered at a campaign stop at Central Park Coffee seemed dubious.
“At some point in time you’re going to have to caucus with one side or another. What side would you be caucusing with?” Leonard Binstock asked at the event on Monday.
“I would believe that they would have to come to me and try to get me to caucus with them. I don’t know that there are any rules that say that I absolutely have to do that,” Srp said. “I’m not connected to (political action committees). I’m not connected to lobbyists. I’m not connected to anyone.”