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Aug 15, 2010


Phoenix Woman

Is that the honking of a Clown Car I hear?

Minnesota Central

Regarding the UPDATE reference as a state bailout, Mr. Demmer needs to check his facts that this will add to the national debt.

Congress had to make hard choices. Budgets faced rescissions … small cuts, such as $50 million from the Millennium Challenge … and large cuts, nearly $12 billion cut to the food stamp program … and Education funding took a hard hit … including a $10.7 million cut to Ready to Teach, which finances telecommunications-based professional-development programs for educators and educational videos; an $82 million cut to student financial-aid administration; and a $50 million cut to Striving Readers, which underwrites adolescent-literacy programs.

Further, West Tribune article with Collin Peterson presented why he voted for this legislation :
WILLMAR — U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson said he flew to Washington early this week thinking he would vote against a $26 billion emergency jobs bill.

“I don’t think we should be spending new money,” he said during a visit Friday to Willmar.

Peterson did vote for the bill to provide funding for Medicaid and to save public sector jobs. In the end, he was won over by a plan to pay for it through cuts in future funding for food stamps and by closing tax loopholes. President Obama has already signed it into law.

Peterson, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, said the economic stimulus bill passed more than a year ago had increased future funding for food stamps, which his committee oversees. The last farm bill had already provided an increase for food stamps, he said.

Since he felt that the extra food stamp money could be spared, the switch allowed him to support a program he thinks will help the state’s hospitals.

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