Monday, in Rochester Seniors Celebrate 75th Social Security Anniversary, Randy Demmer told KAAL-TV:
"The truth is there's no money there now. There is no social security fund. It's been used up. The government has not taken care of that and the fund is gone," said Randy Demmer, candidate for US Congress.
It's amazing how much difference a day makes. Apparently, the program is back, and Randy Demmer plans to fight for it.
Today he told the Rochester Post Bulletin:
"I don't support the privatization that would weaken any of the promises and take away any of the benefits that people such as my parents have paid into and deserve," he said.
According to AARP, which favors modest reforms of the system:
Social Security is in no immediate danger of "going broke." With the retirement of the boomers on the horizon, the Social Security Administration began building a cushion to help see this generation through its retirement years. Thanks to that planning, the Social Security Trust Funds hold more than $2.4 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds, which earn interest every year. Without any changes, Social Security will be able to pay 100 percent of benefits until 2037 . . .
I'll try to keep up with what Demmer thinks about Social Security as Election Day draws closer.