Earlier today, I posted about Republican Dan Severson's rant on Bradlee Dean's radio show, citing the Dump Bachmann post, Rep. Dan Severson is a Fan of Bigot Bradlee Dean.
In that interview, Severson repeats his standard stump speech line that one piece of evidence of "fraud" in the Coleman-Franken recount is that ""in a normal recount like that, you see some back and forth, some give and take on that thing. That didn''t happen. And that was one of the things Ritchie orchestrated..."
Now, that piqued my memory, as I recall seeing accounts of just that across the days of the recount. I asked some friends who posted about the recount more closely on their blogs about the Severson claim. Jeff Rosenberg, now blogging regularly at MNPublius, produced the image of the graph below, which had been posted at his now-defunct blog, Twin Cities Daily Liberal.
As is clearly llustrated, the Franken-Coleman numbers went back and forth. Indeed, on the 14th day of the recount, Franken was down by more votes than when the recount began.
Like his claim that voters know him as "Doc" Severson, and his fact-free charges about absentee ballots (debunked here by Minnesota Public Radio's Poligraph back in June) here's another case where Severson simply has a pretty slippery grasp on the past.
Why should Minnesotans trust him with their ballots?
The overarching theme of Severson's campaign has been pure sloppiness. If he can't be bothered to actually take the time to look into these things, how is he going to manage an entire election?
Posted by: Jeff Rosenberg | Oct 05, 2010 at 01:53 PM
But lying is OK, if you're a Republican!
By the way, FDL's going to have a Book Salon this coming Halloween at 4:00 pm our time, 2:00 pm Pacific: http://fdlbooksalon.com/2010/10/31/fdl-book-salon-this-is-not-florida-how-al-franken-won-the-minnesota-senate-recount/
The book in question is by MinnPost's Jay Weiner and concerns the recount. Stop by and give the author bouquets or brickbats depending on your feelings towards his arguments.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Oct 06, 2010 at 08:06 AM