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Oct 05, 2010


Jeff Rosenberg

The overarching theme of Severson's campaign has been pure sloppiness. If he can't be bothered to actually take the time to look into these things, how is he going to manage an entire election?

Phoenix Woman

But lying is OK, if you're a Republican!

By the way, FDL's going to have a Book Salon this coming Halloween at 4:00 pm our time, 2:00 pm Pacific: http://fdlbooksalon.com/2010/10/31/fdl-book-salon-this-is-not-florida-how-al-franken-won-the-minnesota-senate-recount/

The book in question is by MinnPost's Jay Weiner and concerns the recount. Stop by and give the author bouquets or brickbats depending on your feelings towards his arguments.

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