The MNAFL-CIO has posted a report about new problems Holiday Inn Express management is causing UNITE-HERE Local 21 members in Rochester:
The hotel workers union, UNITE HERE Local 21 of Rochester MN, are once again having problems with the owner of the Holiday Inn Express. “We have been in contract negotiations with hotel owner Mike Bhatka for several months and he seems intent on cutting wages for housekeepers by more than $3.00 per hour” said Union President Brian Brandt. Mr. Bhatka is also proposing to take away all health coverage and pension benefits leaving workers on the State or County dole.
In December of 2007 just days before Christmas, Mike Bhatka fired all of the Union workers and hired replacements. Due to his illegal behavior the Union was compelled to file charges with the National Labor Relations Board who found that Bhatka violated numerous federal labor laws. Subsequently, a Federal judge ordered Bhatka to reinstate the workers with full back pay.
The Holiday Inn also was ordered to accept the same terms and conditions of the contract that had been in effect when Bhatka bought the hotel.
The UNITE HERE Local 21 intends to begin random pickets in front of the Hotel beginning December 23rd.
Contact the local for details on the pickets. Read more about the NLRB's 2007 decision in NLRB rules in favor of 'Rochester 19,' in Workday Minnesota's back pages.
Photo: Pickets fight for the Rochester 19, March 2007. Photo by Laura Askelin. Used with permission.