In the Star Tribune article, NFL commissioner, Dayton to talk stadium on Monday, Minneapolis City Council President Barb Johnson takes a cheap shot at one Greater Minnesota town:
A new Vikings stadium, said Johnson, should be paid for by the entire state, and not just by Minneapolis or any one local government. "The whole state has to pay something," said Johnson. "You know, in these rural areas, that's the only entertainment on Sundays. There's way more stuff to do here in the city than there is in Sen. Rosen's Fairmont."
Oh, Council President Johnson. There's more to Fairmont than just watching sports on television. There's a lovely restored opera house, and an architecturally significant church refurbhished as an art center.
There's a yacht club.
And there's big business. Rosen's ex-husband Tom runs a business that is bigger than that of the more well-known Glen Taylor:
A Mankatoan, upon first learning of Rosen’s Diversified and its $2.5 billion beef processing and agriculture-related corporate empire, likely would begin thinking of Chief Executive Officer Tom Rosen as the “Glen Taylor of Fairmont.”
But a compelling case could be made to say the opposite: Taylor could be the Tom Rosen of Mankato. After all, the most current Forbes 500 listing (as of press time [2009]) of U.S. privately owned corporations has Rosen’s Diversified of Fairmont resting at No. 184. Printing behemoth Taylor Corporation of North Mankato holds down spot No. 286.
Those looking for a sleepy small town to pick on in Rosen's district might select East Chain, Ceylon, or Vernon Center.
Ah yes. The Opera House! Or Nicholas Theater as I remember it from the 50s. I remember the last row of seats in the balcony, on the same level as the row ahead of it in that otherwise steeply inclined seating area. No one could see what you and your squeeze were doing back there.
Posted by: ex-PFC Chuck | Dec 20, 2010 at 06:32 AM
Not particularly bright, Barb.
And a very well executed (and deserved!) dope slap administered by someone who it is not wise to anger.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Jan 18, 2011 at 07:37 PM