Here's hoping that Republican Party of Minnesota chairs Tony Sutton and Michael Brodkorb identify that 22 percent of folks who think Tom Emmer should hang in there, and ban everyone else from participating in GOP party affairs for the next two years.
David Brauer reports in New poll: 68 percent think Emmer should concede:
The first post-election poll is out and it says voters want Tom Emmer to go.
The survey, from Public Policy Polling, says 68 percent think Mark Dayton won the governor's race and an equal percentage think Republican Emmer should concede. Only 22 percent think Emmer, who is trailing in the recount, should not concede.
Meanwhile, the IP is standing by with open arms, ready to welcome the last remaining sane Republicans purged by the Emmer/Quist teabaggers into their fold. Heheheheheh.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Dec 07, 2010 at 11:44 AM