News comes my way of the departure of Republican Party of Minnesota Chair Tony Sutton from his role as CEO of faux-Mexican eatery Baja Sol.
Now down to a mere ten open restaurants in Minnesota from a high of twenty in three states (thirteen were still operating in September), the restaurant had suffered from a bad economy, protests related to Sutton's anti-immigration views, and a business plan in Illinois and Ohio that included planting stores in locations where no eatery had taken hold before.
Also, going into a saturated market without a clear brand distinction.
That sort of business acumen must be the guiding light in Sutton's new joint venture with Public Affairs Companies. In Republican Chairman Tony Sutton joins Public Affairs Co., we read in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal:
Public Affairs Co. announced Monday it is launching a joint venture with longtime Republican strategist Tony Sutton and his new Winning Strategies consulting firm.
Give it a little while and the larger established companies with similar names may assist in straightening out the google difficulties of Sutton.
They have access to experienced I.P. attorneys that know how to correct confusion like this.
Posted by: annnonymouse | Jan 17, 2011 at 06:24 PM
Now why would the Republican Party of Minnesota be so eager to wave bye-bye to the man who was the alleged architect of their allegedly great 2010 juggernaut? Are the Coopers sick of dealing with someone whose money and business skills, to judge from the Baja Sol implosion, may not have improved since the time he was the party's treasurer? (See also: and
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Jan 17, 2011 at 08:31 PM
annnonymouse has an excellent point. In fact, Tony seems to be capsizing in the photo itself.
Posted by: blogspotdog | Jan 18, 2011 at 10:04 PM