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Jan 03, 2011


Minnesota Central

Previously, I had reviewing the quarterly disbursement reports, and noticed that Congressman Walz had consistently returned $2,196 each quarter which dwarfed Mr. Bachus donation that was more symbolic at $414.39 … and Mr. Lobiondo has not regularly contributed.

Besides, donating monies via rejecting salary increases, by law any monies not spent in the Members’s Representational Allowances’shall be deposited in the Treasury
and used for deficit reduction (SEC 101) of the legislation … so what Congressman Walz doesn’t spend on rent / travel / personnel / etc. also reduces the debt.

One thing that I noticed that distinguished Congressman Walz from other member in the Minnesota delegation is how he structures his staff … whereas others seem to spend monies on people that act as schedulers and media relations personnel, Congressman Walz has people assigned for specific constituent groups – Judith Bird as his Southeastern Outreach Director, Shawn Scholesser as his Veterans Field Representative and Matthew Wohlman as his Agriculture Director. Having people that constituents know who to turn to makes sense … plus they are related to OUR needs … not scheduling a Congresswoman’s television appearances.
Also, Congressman Walz spends his MRA money on staffing two offices in the District – Mankato and Rochester … whereas others only staff one … Walz is staying connected with his constituents yet staying under budget.

An aside, I was surprised that Bruce Braley won considering the attack ads that were run against him well as the Iowa State Supreme Court justices that were voted out of office do to their ruling on gay marriage. Congressman Braley weathered quite a storm. Congresswoman Pingree has been on the right side of fiscal responsible spending, so that was not a surprise.

Phoenix Woman

Wow, a guy whose actions show he takes public service seriously. Good for him!

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