My earnest friend Jacob Grippen, who keeps a diary at the Minnesota Progressive Project, posted an oldie but a goodie from the Onion on my Facebook page when he read that Representative Cravaack's favorite president is Calvin Coolidge. In the brief, History Teacher Has Unusual Favorite President, we read:
GROVEDALE, MN—Paul Loftus, an 11th-grade history teacher at Grovedale High School, proudly touts his unconventional choice for favorite U.S. president, Calvin Coolidge. "People fail to appreciate how Coolidge essentially rebuilt the presidency after the Harding scandals," said Loftus, who enjoys announcing and discussing his surprise pick whenever possible. "He was also a great diplomat who did much to foster world peace, all despite the tragic death of his son in his first term." Loftus went on to counter the widely held misconception that Coolidge, sometimes known as "Silent Cal," was a serious, humorless man.
Did Cravaack ghost write for the Onion in 2002? What else is he hiding from his past?
Related post: The Coolidge effect: New congressman Chip Cravaack is hot for Silent Cal