While most of the world turns their attention to to the massive rallies in Madison supporting Wisconsin's teachers and other public employees, a smaller scale drama played out in Plainview, Minnesota on Saturday.
The Rochester Post Bulletin reports in Teachers lecture legislators at Plainview town-hall meeting:
A winter of political discontent played out in microcosm Saturday afternoon in Plainview, where Republican state representatives Mike Benson, of Rochester, and Steve Drazkowski, of Mazeppa, held a town-hall meeting and heard an earful from unhappy public school teachers.
Benson and Drazkowski both said they support a statewide two-year freeze on teacher salaries, while teachers among the nearly 100 people at the meeting contended that local school districts should retain control over salary decisions.
in a priceless moment, Draz gets schooled by the teachers about labor unions:
[H]e set off a chorus of protest when he said, "Teachers have the best interests of kids at heart. Unions do not."
"But we are the union," several teachers responded in unison.
Photo: Steve Drazkowski