You have to hand it to Steve Drazkowski. He doesn't take criticism of his stand on pay equity lightly.
After being so soundly spanked over his first bill by Greater Minnesota newspaper editors that I'm surprised he hasn't tried to file abuse charges, he goes and files a stand-alone bill.
Andy Birkey at the Minnesota Independent reports the deets in Drazkowski offers GOP’s fourth bill to repeal women’s pay equity act:
Rep. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, has introduced another version of his bill to repeal the Pay Equity Act (PEA), a program started in the 1980s that ensures that women are paid a comparable wage to men in local government jobs. As of Thursday, when Drazkowski introduced his new bill, Republicans have authored four bills this session aimed at repealing the Pay Equity Act. Twenty-two Republicans in the House and Senate are sponsoring the legislation; 21 of the sponsors are men.
The original repeal of the PEA was contained in a broader bill authored by Drazkowski that repealed a number of local government mandates; a similar bill is pending in the Senate. Senate Republicans then offered a standalone bill to repeal fair pay laws, and Drazkowski’s bill (HF698) introduced on Thursday brings the total tally of bills to four.
Birkey notes earlier editorials decrying Draz's War Against Equal Paychicks, as has Bluestem in a series of posts.
But Draz? Rather than listen to reason, he strikes out again against pay equity. Must be the persistant Drazkowski family values at work, or an attempt to become the Energizer Bunny of gender discrimination.
Wow. Take equal parts Rove, Cheney, and Segretti, throw in a dose of Giefer-Cornish sexism and the conviction that women exist to be men's tools and playthings, and one winds up with something looking a lot like Steve Drazkowski.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Feb 25, 2011 at 09:17 AM