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Mar 27, 2011


Phoenix Woman

Geez, the Teeps really are froth-at-the-mouth types, aren't they? I wonder how many local Chamber types are wishing Charles and David Koch had decided not to follow in their father Fred's John Birch Society footsteps and stayed out of politics.

Sane Republicans, take note: Sow the Koch teabagger wind, reap the bugnuts-crazy Koch teabagger whirlwind.

Phoenix Woman

Meanwhile, I wonder if the Teeps are OK with this highway race to the bottom, turning our paved roads into gravel just like South Dakota:


South Dakota's "open for business"? Maybe if you run an auto-repair shop, but I can't see how this facilitates any other sort of business.


Coming at this from the left, I am going to agree with the Tea Partiers here. For a Republican leader to tell a group of business and city leaders that they will work out a deal behind closed doors after a public hearing is pretty bad. I support the sales tax extension at the original level, but I think the Republican leaders ought to come up with a deal in public. I can't believe they said it out loud actually.

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